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Artemisia Gentileschi (Lomi)(1593– c. 1656)

• Was an Italian Baroque painter.
• Artemisia Lomi Gentileschi was born in Rome on July 8, 1593.
• She was the eldest child of Prudenzia di Ottaviano Montoni and the Tuscan painter Orazio Gentileschi.
• In 1611, Orazio was working with Agostino Tassi to decorate the vaults of Casino delle Muse inside the Palazzo Pallavicini-Rospigliosi in Rome.
• One day in May, Tassi visited the Orazio household and, when alone with Artemisia, raped her.
• In 1630, Artemisia moved to Naples.
• In 1638, Artemisia joined her father in London at the court of Charles I of England, where Orazio had become court painter.
• Artemisia was the first woman to become a member of the Accademia di Arte del Disegno in Florence.
• She had an international clientele.
• Many of Artemisia's paintings feature women from myths, allegories, and the Bible, including victims, suicides, and warriors.
• The story of her rape by Agostino Tassi when she was a young woman, and her participation in the trial of her rapist long overshadowed her achievements as an artist. 
• At the end of the trial Tassi was exiled from Rome, although the sentence was never carried out.
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