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Ádám Mányoki (1673 - 1757)

• Was a Hungarian Baroque portrait painter.
• He was the son of a Reformed pastor.
• The family was very poor, so he was apparently given into the care of a German staff officer named Dölfer, who promised to provide him with an education.
• Mányoki studied with Andreas Scheits in Hanover and Nicolas de Largillière in Paris.
• He completed his studies in the Netherlands and was a court painter for King Frederick William I of Prussia in Berlin,
• In 1707, he entered the service of Francis II Rákóczi.
• After 1731, he lived in Dresden and Leipzig.
• In 1736, once again became a court painter, this time for Augustus III of Poland.
• He resigned in 1753, over the issue of unpaid salary.
• During his final years, he squandered his money on alchemy, a common mania at that time.
• He died in Dresden at the age of 84, totally impoverished, and had to be buried by friends.
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