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Ambrosius Benson (c. 1495/1500 – 1550)

• Was an Italian painter.
• While many surviving paintings have been attributed, there is very little known of him from records, and he tended not to sign his work.
• He is believed to be responsible for mainly religious art, but also painted portraits on commission.
• In his lifetime he was successful; he had a large workshop, his work was sold internationally and he was especially popular in Spain.
• Although Ambrosius Benson was Italian by birth, scholars consider him a painter of the Flemish school.
• Typical of the itinerant manner of many painters of the time, he moved to Bruges c. 1515.
• Benson served his apprenticeship with the Early Netherlandish painter Gerard David.
• He later became a naturalized citizen of Bruges.
• Benson came into dispute with Gerard around 1519, over a number of paintings and drawings Benson had created -including a book of studies for heads and nudes as well as various patterns- in the older master's workshop without his assistance.
• David refused to return the material, and after Benson pursued him legally, served time in prison for his appropriation.
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