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Andrea di Bartolo or Andrea di Bartolo Cini (1360/70 – 1428)

• Was an Italian painter, stained glass designer and illuminator.
• Andrea di Bartolo was the son and pupil of Bartolo di Fredi, a very prominent painter in Siena.
• His youth was spent working in his father's workshop.
• He collaborated with his father and Luca di Tommè on an altarpiece (now lost) for the altar of the shoemaker's guild in the cathedral of Siena in 1389.
• This is his first documented work.
• Andrea likely set up his own workshop around 1390.
• He was extremely successful in Siena and obtained numerous commissions even from as far as Veneto.
• His patrons were drawn from the same monastic circles as his father such as the Franciscans of Montalcino and the Dominicans of Siena.
• Like Simone Martini he travelled far to execute work for patrons, including the Marches, Veneto and Treviso.
• It is possible Andrea was the father of the painter Giorgio di Andrea di Bartolo.
• He died at Siena in 1428.