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Bartolomeo Ammanati (1511 -1592)

• Was an Italian painter, architect and sculptor.
• Bartolomeo Ammanati was born in Settignano, near Florence.
• He was a student of Baccio Bandinelli and Jacopo Sansovino and imitated the style of Michelangelo.
• He designed many buildings in Rome including the Villa Medici, the Villa Giulia complex (in collaboration with Vignola and Vasari), and many other buildings in Lucca and Florence.
• His work on the completion of the Pitti Palace (1558-1570), hired by the noble and very wealthy Leonor Álvarez de Toledo, wife of Cosimo I de' Medici, is one of his creations, having spoiled Filippo Brunelleschi's original design in its extension. 
• He was also hired in 1569 to build the Arno Bridge, known as the Holy Trinity Bridge, which is one of his greatest works.