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Bartolomé de Castro (died 1507)

• Was a Spanish painter active in Palencia and its region in the first quarter of the 16th century.
• His style, which Diego Angulo Íñiguez describes as large and clumsy figures.
• Now is known a few signed works.
• Beginning with that of Santo Domingo in the Lázaro Galdiano Museum, from which it was possible to assign three other panels to the painter from the same museum with the Annunciation, the Nativity and the Adoration of the Kings, all of them from the same provenance: the church of the convent of San Pablo de Palencia.
• Also signed in large gothic letters is an expressive Saint Onofreof unknown provenance, today in the Masaveu Collection, very close in the way the figures are arranged in the landscape to a Saint John the Baptist from a private English collection.
• The expressive power of his figures stands out in this painter, as well as the attention and care with which he represents certain details.
• Fernando Gallego, Juan de Flandes, the anonymous Master of Astorga and Pedro Berruguete have been pointed out as possible influences on his art.