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Boccaccio Boccaccino, c. (1466-1524/25)

• Was an Italian painter of the early Italian Renaissance.
• He is from Emilian school.
• He is profiled in Vasari's Le Vite delle più eccellenti pittori, scultori, ed architettori (or, in English, Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects).
• His principal artistic activity was in Venice, Ferrara, and especially in Cremona.
• In Cemona he founded a school in which Garofalo was a pupil.
• His most celebrated achievement is the frescoes in the Cathedral of Cremona (1506–1519) representing the Birth of the Virgin and some subjects from her life.
• His position there was taken over by Altobello Melone. Several works formerly attributed to Pietro Perugino, Pinturicchio, and Garofalo are now ascribed to Boccaccino.
• Boccaccino died in Cremona.
• His son and pupil Camillo Boccaccino (1501–46) was a painter active in Cremona.
• Paintings by Boccaccino are in the Milwaukee Art Museum, Museum of Fine Arts (Budapest), the Uffizi and National Museum of Art of Romania (Bucharest).
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