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 Benvenuto di Giovanni, also known as Benvenuto di Giovanni di Meo del Guasta (1436 – c. 1518)

• Was an Italian painter.
• He is known for his choral miniatures, pavement designs, and frescoes.
• Born to a bricklayer in Siena, Benvenuto remained there for his entire life,
• The first records of him as an artist are of his contributions to the Siena Baptistery in 1453.
• His work here was likely in collaboration with il Vecchietta, as it is believed that Benvenuto was trained in his workshop.
• Benvenuto was also likely to have worked under Sano di Pietro.
• Benvenuto was commissioned to do a number of works in the Siena Cathedral.
• His pieces that are signed, dated, and still existing have dates spanning a period of 43 years.
• In 1466, he married Jacopa di Tommaso de Cetona.
• After their marriage, he served at least two terms in a public office.
• Together, they owned a vineyard and also had seven children.
• The only child that much is known about is Girolamo di Giovanni, as he was Benvenuto's only follower.
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