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Vitale da Bologna (c. 1309 – 1360)

• He was also known as Vitale di Aymo de' Cavalli or Vitale degli Equi.
• Vitale da Bologna was an Italian painter of the Early Renaissance.
• He is a representative of the 14th century school of painting in Bologna, his natal city and the place where he was most active.
• Vitale was also active in Pomposa, in Ferrara, and in Udine.
• In Udine, he painted a fresco cycle for the main chapel of the Duomo, as well as frescoes in the adjacent confraternity chapel of St Nicholas.
• He is last registered in Bologna in 1359, and is thought to have died in December of that year or early 1360.
• His masterwork is the panel with St. George and the Dragon, held in the Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna.
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