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Izaak van den Block (1572–1626)

• Was a painter of Flemish descent.
• His place of birth was either Mechelen in the Southern Netherlands or Königsberg.
• His father was Willem van den Blocke, a Flemish sculptor and architect.
• His brother Abraham van den Blocke was an architect and sculptor and his brothers Jacob and David were painters.
• In 1584 the family moved to Danzig (modern Gdańsk, Poland).
• Here he likely received training by or worked in the workshop of Paul Vredeman de Vries and his father Hans Vredeman de Vries.
• He was in 1612 one of the founders of the painters' guild of Gdańsk.
• He was the teacher of Laurence Neter.
• His principal work is the decoration of the ceiling (completed 1608) of the Great Chamber of the former main town hall in Danzig.
• This work was composed of 25 oil paintings on oak panels, with a central composition, an allegory to the glorious trade of Danzig (Apotheosis of Danzig).