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Carlo Cignani (1628-1719)

• Was an Italian painter.
• His innovative style referred to as his 'new manner' introduced a reflective, intimate mood of painting and presaged the later pictures of Guido Reni and Guercino.
• In Bologna, he studied first under Battista Cairo and later under Francesco Albani.
• In 1681 Cignani returned to Bologna from Parma.
• He opened an accademia del nudo for painting from models and had as one of his pupils Giuseppe Maria Crespi.
• As a man Cignani was eminently amiable, unassuming and generous.
• He accepted no honors offered him by the duke of Parma, but lived and died an artist.
• In 1686 he moved to Forlì, where he died.
• When the Accademia Clementina for Bolognese artists was founded in 1706, Cignani was posthumously elected Principe in absencia for life.
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