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Claes Janszoon Visscher (1587 † 1652)

• Was the founder of a Dutch dynasty of art dealers, engravers and publishers.
• On maps, his name also appears in Latinized forms, such as Nicolaus Ioann(id)es Piscator or similar.
• His extensive oeuvre consists of around 120 mainly topographical drawings, around 200 prints, including landscape and city views, marginal decorations on maps of other publishers as well as maps and atlases designed and published by himself.
• The publishing house "In de Visscher", founded by Visscher, had been based in Amsterdam's Kalverstraat since 1611. 
• Visscher was born as the son of the ship's carpenter Jan Claes Visscher.
• Until the beginning of the 1620s, Visscher worked as a draughtsman and engraver.
• Visscher worked as an independent cartographer and publisher.
• In the cartographic field, his focus was on maps for the Netherlands, For Germany and sieges.
• Some of his maps were included in the Mercator-Hondius Atlas. 
• After his death in 1652, his son Nicolaes Visscher I took over the publishing house, which continued to exist until the first half of the 18th century.