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Daniele da Volterra (also known as Daniele Ricciarelli) c. (1509 - 1566)

• Was a Mannerist Italian painter and sculptor.
• As a boy, he initially studied with the Sienese artists Il Sodoma and Baldassare Peruzzi.
• In Rome he also started working in the circle of Michelangelo and befriended him.
• Michelangelo used his influence with Pope Paul III to secure Daniele commissions and the post of superintendent of the works of the Vatican, a position he retained until the Pope's death.
• Several of Daniele's most important works were based on designs made for that purpose by Michelangelo.
• After Michelangelo's death Daniele was hired to cover the genitals in his Last Judgment with vestments and loincloths.
• This earned him the nickname Il Braghettone ("the breeches maker").
• According to Daniele's will, the marble knee of the missing left leg of the Christ from Michelangelo's Deposition was in his possession at the time of his death.
• Among his pupils was Giulio Mazzoni from Piacenza.
• Leonardo Ricciarelli was his nephew.
• He died in Rome in 1566. 
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