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Nathaniel Dance (1735 - 1811),

• Was an English painter.
• Dance was born in London.
• Born in London.
• Dance was an artist and later in life, a politician.
• He spent a great deal of time in Italy.
• While in Rome in the 1760s he had a love affair with fellow painter, Angelica Kauffman, which ended on their return to Britain in 1764.
• Back in London, Dance received his most prestigious commission - a portrait of Edward, Duke of York, on behalf of King George III. 
• Dance went on to be a founding member of the Royal Academy of Arts in 1773 and was elected as an M.P. for East Grinstead in 1790.
• Dence was a founding member of the Royal Academy of Arts in 1773 and was elected as an M.P. for East Grinstead in 1790.
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