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Piermatteo Lauro de' Manfredi da Amelia (1445-1508)

• Was an Italian painter.
• The artist is mentioned as an apprentice of Filippo Lippi, between 1467 and 1469.
• He was active in the decoration of the apse of the Cathedral of Spoleto (Stories of the Virgin). 
• Between 1479 and 1480 he was in Rome, probably thanks to relations with the powerful Amerina family of Geraldini.
• In Rome he was commissioned to paint the vault of the Sistine Chapel, decorating it with a starry sky.
• This fresco will then be covered by Michelangelo with his frescoes of the Sistine vault because of the cracks that had been created in the roof due to the construction of the fountains of the new St. Peter's Basilica.
• In Rome he worked for popes Innocent VIII and Alexander VI.
• In 1497 he was appointed conservator of the city of Fano, while in 1503 he was superintendent for the papal factories of Civita Castellana.
• The panel of Sant'Antonio Abate is the only work preserved in his hometown, Amelia, at the Museo Civico e Pinacoteca.
• His death is between 1503 and 1508.