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Fra Semplice da Verona (c. 1589–1654)

• Was an Italian painter.
• He was often considered as an imitator of Paolo Veronese and Correggio.
• He was in contact with Felice Brusasorzi and the late-Mannerist circle he presented in Verona, among which were also Pasquale Ottino, Alessandro Turchi and Marcantonio Bassetti. 
• He was a friend of Paolo Massimo and trained with Marcantonio Bassetti.
• In 1613 Fra Semplice became part of the Capuchin order.
• For this reason, he first took care of some churches and convents belonging to his order, scattered in various Italian areas and coming into contact with different cultural trends.
• In 1646 he was present in Rome and Sicily, some of his works of this trip to Sicily are in the Capuchin Convent in Caltagirone.