Defendente Ferrari, Adoration of the child with a donor, 1511
Original, Staatliche Museum in Berlin, Gemäldegalerie. Visited in 2019.
Defendente Ferrari, Saint Anthony of Padua, early 1500s
Original, Worcester Art Museum, MA. Visited in 2020.
Defendente Ferrari, Saint Anthony of Padua, early 1500s
Defendente Ferrari, Saint Anthony of Padua, early 1500s
Defendente Ferrari, The Virgin and Child
Original, Šternberský palác, Praha. Visited in 2017-2021.
Defendente Ferrari, The Virgin and Child
Defendente Ferrari, The Virgin and Child
Defendente Ferrari, The Virgin and Child
Defendente Ferrari, The Virgin and Child
Defendente Ferrari, Enthroned Virgin and Child, with Saints John the Evangelist, Catherine of Alexandria, and Anthony Abbot, and a Saint Saint Reading a Book, 1520s
Original, Philadelphia Museum of Art. Visited in 2018-2020.
Defendente Ferrari, Enthroned Virgin and Child, with Saints John the Evangelist, Catherine of Alexandria, and Anthony Abbot, and a Saint Saint Reading a Book, 1520s
Defendente Ferrari, Enthroned Virgin and Child, with Saints John the Evangelist, Catherine of Alexandria, and Anthony Abbot, and a Saint Saint Reading a Book, 1520s
Defendente Ferrari, The Holy Family with Angels, ca. 1520
Original, The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland. Visited in 2021.