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Fiorenzo di Lorenzo (1440-1522)

• Was an Italian painter, of the Umbrian school.
• He lived and worked at Perugia.
• Fiorenzo is known from a few signed works, including the Madonna of the Recommended (1476) and a Niche with lunette, two wings and predella (1487).
• The list of some fifty pictures which modern critics have ascribed to Fiorenzo includes works of such widely varied character that the scholars' suggestions of the masters under whom Fiorenzo is supposed to have studied varies.
• Pisanello, Verrocchio, Benozzo Gozzoli, Antonio del Pollaiuolo, Benedetto Bonfigli, Andrea Mantegna, Francesco Squarcione, Filippo Lippi, Luca Signorelli and Domenico Ghirlandaio have all been mentioned.