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Domenico Tintoretto also known as Domenico Robusti (1560 - 1635)

• Was an Italian painter from Venice.
• He grew up under the tutelage of his father, the painter Jacopo Tintoretto.
• At age 17, he became a member of the Venetian painter's guild and, to further his training, worked alongside his father executing paintings in the Doge's Palace in Venice.
• Domenico then began to work independently in the palace, focusing his work on historical themes, including complex arrangements of multiple figures in battle scenes.
• Throughout his life, Domenico also painted several religious commissions.
• When Jacopo died in 1594, Domenico handily took over the running of the studio of Tintoretto.
• His younger brother Marco, and his assistant Bastian Casser helped him at the studio.
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