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Biagio di goro Ghezzi (c. 1325–c. 1384)

• Was an Italian painter of the Sienese School du Trecento.
• Biagio fell into oblivion until 1981, when Gaudenz Freuler deciphered his signature on a faint inscription of his dated (1368) frescoes in the choir-chapel of San Michele in Paganico. 
• Biagio Worked closely with the Lorenzetti brothers Pietro and Ambrogio in the 1340s. 
• Biagio di Goro Ghezzi painted several frescoes in the church of  San Michele Arcangelo, region of Tuscany, Italy.
• In addition to practicing the profession of painter, and perhaps also that of architect, from 1368 to 1380 Ghezzi held public positions in Siena and for twelve years was director of the city prison.
• Attested by numerous payments made by the Opera del Duomo di Siena in his name in the years 1366-80, is also his activity as a gilder, producer and supplier of gold in sheets.
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