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Emilian 16th Century

• Was an Italian painter.
• Emilia is a historic region of Italy, known today as the Emilia.
• Some of the most famous painters from this region in the 16th century include: Dosso Dossi of the School of Ferrara.
• Benvenuto Tisi called Il Garofalo also of the School of Ferrara.
• The best know group of painters from Bologna during the 16th century were the Carracci Family.
Ludovico Carracci and his cousins, the brothers Annibale Carracci and Agostino Carracci founded the Accademia degli Incamminati, or Eclectic Academy of painting.
• This studio helped establish Emilian artists and specifically the Bolognese School of painting in the major centers of art such as Rome. 
• Other well known 16th Century Emilian artists, influential to the Bolognese School were Amico Aspertini and Prospero Fontana.