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Fernando (or Hernando) Yáñez de la Almedina (c. 1475 - 1536)

• Was a Spanish Painter.
• Fernando was born in Almedina, Spain in c. 1475 and died in Valencia, Kingdom of Spain in 1536.
• He was one of the most important early Renaissance painters in Spain.
• He travelled to Italy to study fine art, and in the process became familiar with the work of Leonardo da Vinci.
• After returning to Spain, he collaborated with Hernando de los Llanos on many works.
• His name appears in reference to a 1506 contract for a Valencia Cathedral Altarpiece of Saints Cosme and Damian, of which only a Pietà has survived.
• That contract led to the immediate commission in 1507 of the retable for the main altar at the same cathedral.
• The displayed painting is a crop from Fernando Yáñez de la Almedina, Saint Anne, the Virgin, Saint Elisabeth, Saint John and the Child Jesus...  1525/-32.
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