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Francesco d'Ubertino Verdi, called Bachiacca (1494–1557)

• We was an Italian painter of the Renaissance.
• Bachiacca belonged to a family of at least five, and possibly as many as eight artists.
• His father Ubertino di Bartolomeo was a goldsmith.
• His older brother Bartolomeo d'Ubertino Verdi was a painter, and his younger brother Antonio d'Ubertino Verdi—who also called himself Bachiacca—was both an embroiderer and painter.
• Francesco's son Carlo di Francesco Verdi painted and Antonio's son Bartolomeo d'Antonio Verdi worked as an embroiderer.
• This latter generation probably continued to produce paintings and embroideries after Bachiacca's death.
• Bachiacca apprenticed in Perugino's Florentine studio.
• By 1515 began to collaborate with Andrea del Sarto, Jacopo Pontormo and Francesco Granacci.
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