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Francisco de Osona, also Francisco de Osona the Younger (c.1465–c.1514)

• Was a Spanish Renaissance painter.
• Francisco was born in Valencia.
• There has been some confusion between Francisco and his father Rodrigo de Osona.
• Father and son worked closely together in their workshop in Valencia, therefore works are often attributed to both.
• However, while the activity of Rodrigo ended with his death in 1518, Francisco died before him much younger in 1514.
• The second table of the Epiphany, preserved in London, is signed by "The teacher's son Rodrigo".
• Francisco has been credited with Christ before Pilate in the Museu de Belles Arts de València, as well as The Adoration of the Magi in the Victoria and Albert Museum.
• The work of two Osona artists, along with Paolo de San Leocadio, form the basis for Spanish classicism in painting.
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