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Simon Franck (born around 1500; died 1546 or 1547)

• Also known as Pseudo-Grünewald, Simon von Aschaffenburg anf Master of the Gregorian Masses.
• Was a German painter.
• Franck's style suggests that he trained in the workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder.
• The fact that he worked for the cardinal is evidenced by the commissions he received for Albrecht von Brandenburg at his residence in Halleand that he later followed him to Aschaffenburg.
• Since August 17, 1540, he and his wife had owned a house with a piece of land there, which was given to him by the monastery in Aschaffenburg on favorable terms. 
• It is proven that Franck had been working for Cardinal Albrecht von Brandenburg since 1529 and had obtained Halle citizenship.
• He left the city together with the cardinal and died in Aschaffenburg in 1546/47.
• Aschaffenburg he was in charge of the construction management of the beguinage in the Tiergarten.
• The so-called Pseudo-Grünewald (is not the real Matthias Grünewald) was a painter who painted the side wings to the picture of "St. Erasmus and Mauritius " is said to have created.