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Gerrit Duyckinck (1660 - ca. 1713),

was an american painter. He was born in New Amsterdam. Gerrit, the youngest son of Evert (1620-ca. 1702) and Hendrickje (Simons) Duyckinck, was baptized into the Dutch Church in New Amsterdam on April 11, 1660. He was described as early as 1679 as a painter and in 1680 was assisting his father in the making and painting of glass for churches and private homes in Dutch towns from New York to Kingston. He was admitted freeman of NYC in February 1698/99. As early as 1679 he was referred to as "Schilder" (painter), and in 1698/9 he is called a "Limner" ("The Burghers of New Amsterdam, 1675-1866,").