Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Moses striking the Rock at Horeb, c. 1560
Original, Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna. Visited in 2017-2020.
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Moses striking the Rock at Horeb, c. 1560
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Dorfkirmes, 1590
Original, Staatliche Museum in Berlin, Gemäldegalerie. Visited in 2019.
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Dorfkirmes, 1590
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, The Burning of Troy, before 1594
Original, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford. Visited in 2019.
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Christ on the Road to Calvary, c, 1575-98
Original, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art - Hartford. Visited in 2019.
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Christ on the Road to Calvary, c, 1575-98
Circle of Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Christ's Descent into Limbo, late 1500s
Original, Worcester Art Museum, MA. Visited in 2020.
Circle of Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Christ's Descent into Limbo, late 1500s
Gillis Mostaert, Moses striking the Rock at Horeb, c. 1560
Original, Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna. Visited in 2017-2020.
Gillis Mostaert, Moses striking the Rock at Horeb, c. 1560
Gillis Mostaert, Moses striking the Rock at Horeb, c. 1560
Gillis Mostaert, Market in a Small Town, 1579
Original, Šternberský palác, Praha. Visited in 2017-2021.
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Scene of war and fire, 1569

Original, Louvre Museum, Paris. Visited in 2021.
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Scene of war and fire, 1569
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Scene of war and fire, 1569
Workshop of Gillis Mostaert the Elder, The Hay Cart Allegory of the Vanity of the World

Original, Louvre Museum, Paris. Visited in 2021.
Workshop of Gillis Mostaert the Elder, The Hay Cart Allegory of the Vanity of the World
South Netherlands Workshop of Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Christ on the cross between two angels
South Netherlands Workshop of Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Christ on the cross between two angels

Original, Louvre Museum, Paris. Visited in 2021.
Circle of Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Christ's Descent into Limbo, late 1500s
Gillis Mostaert the Elder and Cornelis Molenaer, Landscape with Saint John the Baptist Preaching, 1565-1570

Original, The National Museum in Warsaw. Visited in 2021.
Gillis Mostaert the Elder and Cornelis Molenaer, Landscape with Saint John the Baptist Preaching, 1565-1570
Gillis Mostaert the Elder and Cornelis Molenaer, Landscape with Saint John the Baptist Preaching, 1565-1570
Gillis Mostaert, Winter Landscape with the Flight into Egypt

Original, The National Museum in Warsaw. Visited in 2021.
Gillis Mostaert, Winter Landscape with the Flight into Egypt
Gillis Mostaert, Winter Landscape with the Flight into Egypt
Gillis Mostaert, Winter Landscape with the Flight into Egypt
Gillis Mostaert, Winter Landscape with the Flight into Egypt
Gillis Mostaert, Winter Landscape with the Flight into Egypt
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Eight scenes from the passion of Christ, 1578
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Eight scenes from the passion of Christ; Christ before Anne, 1578
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Eight scenes from the passion of Christ, 1578
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Eight scenes from the passion of Christ; The Flogging, 1578
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Eight scenes from the passion of Christ; The crowning of thorns, 1578.

Original, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels. Visited in 2022.
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Eight scenes from the passion of Christ; Ecce Homo, 1578
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Eight scenes from the passion of Christ; Pilate washing his hands, 1578
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Eight scenes from the passion of Christ; Carrying the Cross, 1578
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Eight scenes from the passion of Christ; Christ on the Cross, 1578.

Original, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels. Visited in 2022.
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Landscape with the Attack on the Holy Family while Resting on the Flight to Egypt, 1598
Original, Archdiocesan Museum Olomouc, Czech Republic. Visited in 2019-2023.
Gillis Mostaert the Elder, Landscape with the Attack on the Holy Family while Resting on the Flight to Egypt, 1598
Gillis I Mostaert, Christ on the Cross, 1549 – 1598

Original, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark. Visited in 2024.
Gillis I Mostaert, Christ on the Cross, 1549 – 1598

Gillis I Mostaert, Christ on the Cross, 1549 – 1598