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Giulio Romano (c. 1499–1546)

• Also known by his real name of Giulio Pippi.
• Was an Italian painter and architect.
• Giulio Romano was born in Rome; to which "Romano" refers.
• As a young assistant in Raphael's studio, he worked on the frescos in the Vatican.
• He also collaborated on the decoration of the ceiling of the Villa Farnesina.
• From 1522 he was courted by Federico Gonzaga, ruler of Mantua, who wanted him as court artist.
• In late 1524 Giulio agreed to move to Mantua, where he remained for the rest of his life.
• When Charles V came to Mantua, Giulio, by the duke's order, made many fine arches, scenes for comedies and other things, in which he had no peer, no one being like him for masquerades, and making curious costumes for jousts, feasts and tournaments.
• He died in Mantua in 1546.
• According to Giorgio Vasari, his pupils were Giovanni dal Lione, Raffaellino dal Colle, Benedetto Pagni, Figurino da Faenza, Giovanni Battista Bertani and his brother Rinaldo, and Fermo Guisoni.
• Giulio Romano was the only Renaissance artist to be mentioned by William Shakespeare.
• In Act V, Scene II of The Winter's Tale Queen Hermione's statue is by "that rare Italian master, Julio Romano."