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Giovanni Battista Moroni (c. 1520 - 1579)

• Was an Italian painter of the Late Renaissance period.
• He also is called Giambattista Moroni.
• Best known for his elegantly realistic portraits of the local nobility and clergy.
• Moroni was the son of architect Andrea Moroni.
• He trained under Alessandro Bonvicino "Il Moretto" in Brescia.
• He worked in Trento, Bergamo and his home town of Albino, near Bergamo, where he was born and died.
• During his stay in Trento he also made contact with Titian and the Count-Bishop, Cristoforo Madruzzo, whose own portrait is by Titian, but for whom Moroni painted portraits of Madruzzo's sons.
• The displayed painting is a crop from: Giovanni Battista Moroni, Bartolommeo Bonghi (died 1584), shortly after 1553.
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