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Hans Eworth (1520-1574)

• Was a Flemish painter active in England.
• Along with other exiled Flemings, he made a career in Tudor London.
• About 40 paintings are now attributed to Eworth, among them portraits of Mary I and Elizabeth I.
• Eworth also executed decorative commissions for Elizabeth's Office of the Revels in the early 1570s.
• Although there is no direct evidence that Eworth's most important patron was the Catholic queen Mary I, most scholars now accept this to be the case.
• All his known portraits of Mary I appear to be variants of a portrait in the National Portrait Gallery, London which is signed 'HE' and dated 1554 at the top left.
• Over the next decade, Eworth continued to paint portraits of the aristocracy, including paired portraits of the Duke of Norfolk and his second wife and of the Earl and Countess of Moray.
• Eworth was also engaged in decorative work; he was involved in the set design for a masque given by Elizabeth I in honor of the French Ambassador in 1572.
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