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Jaume Huguet (1412–1492)

• Was a Catalan painter.
• Jaume Huguet was born about 1412 in Valls and orphaned in 1419.
• His father, Antoni Huguet, appointed in his will that Jaume and his brother, also named Antoni, were to be under the guardianship of Pere Huguet, the boys' uncle, and Pere Padrol.
• Pere Huguet was a painter and became Jaume's tutor.
• In 1448 when Huguet moved his workshop to Barcelona.
• The first documented piece that Huguet was commissioned to paint was the high altarpiece of the Church of Sant Antoni Abat in Barcelona in 1454.
• Huguet became a highly sought after artist and was commissioned by the Crown of Catalonia and Aragon to paint the Epiphany Altarpiece from the high altar of the Chapel of the Palau Reial Major in Barcelona.
• Huguet was contracted to paint the altarpiece of Saint Anne, Saint Bartholomew and Saint Mary Magdalene, which was not completed until 1480.
• A number of works by Huguet are held in the collection of the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain.