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Hyacinthe Rigaud (Jacint Rigau-Ros i Serra) (1659 - 1743)

• Was a Catalan baroque painter.
• Hyacinthe Rigaud was born in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), the grandson of painter-gilders from Roussillon and the elder brother of another painter (Gaspard).
• He was trained under Antoine Ranc at Montpellier from 1671 onwards, before moving to Lyon four years later.
• He Arrivied in Paris in 1681, he won the prestigious scholarship known as the prix de Rome in 1682.
• Rigaud was received into the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture in 1710, and he rose to the top of this institution before retiring from it in 1735.
• The exact number of paintings he produced remains in dispute, since he left a highly detailed catalogue but also more than a thousand different models which specialists agree he used.
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