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Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/98 -1543)

• Was a German painter.
• He is called "the Younger" to distinguish him from his father Hans Holbein the Elder.
• Holbein was born in Augsburg. 
• Holbein travelled to England in 1526.
• He was welcomed into the humanist circle of Thomas More.
• He returned to Basel for four years, then resumed his career in England in 1532 under the patronage of Anne Boleyn and Thomas Cromwell.
• By 1535, he was King's Painter to Henry VIII of England.
• His portraits of the royal family and nobles are a record of the court in the years when Henry was asserting his supremacy over the Church of England.
• The displayed painting is a crop from: Hans Holbein the Younger, Charles de Solier, Sieur de Morette (1480-81 - 1564), 1534-35.
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