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 Bertram von Minden (ca. 1340–1414/5)

• Master Bertram, also known as Master of Minden.
• Was a German Gothic painter.
• Bertram was born in Minden.
• He is first recorded in Hamburg in 1367, and lived there for the rest of his life.
• Becoming a citizen and Master in 1376.
• In 1390 he made a will in advance of an intended pilgrimage to Rome.
• He was married, but his wife had died by his second will in 1410, when he had a surviving daughter.
• He died in Hamburg.
• He, or his workshop, also produced sculpture, presumably in wood; in fact in his first years in Hamburg most surviving documentation relates to sculpture, including chandeliers.
• Bertram was largely forgotten after the Renaissance until the end of the 19th century when, like Master Francke, he was rediscovered and published by Alfred Lichtwark.
• His most famous surviving work is the large Grabow Altarpiece (or Petri-Altar) in the Kunsthalle Hamburg.
• The displayed painting is a crop from: Bertram von Minden, Altarpiece from Harvestehude, c. 1410.
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