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Juan de Juanes (c. 1503-1579) 

• Was a Spanish painter of the Renaissance period.
• He is commonly considered the foremost member of the Valencian school of painters.
• His father was Vicente Masip, and his son was Vicente Masip Comes, known as Vicent de Joanes, who imitated his style.
• His two daughters, Dorotea Joanes and Margarita Joanes, were also painters.
• His most prominent pupil was Nicolas Borras.
• He never painted a profane subject, and emulated Luis de Vargas and Fra Angelico.
• Painting for him was a solemn exercise, an oratory process, full of prayers and fasts.
• Since his name Macip made him sound like a laborer, he was called Juan de Juanes not to confuse his name with the omonimous father, which was also a painter, and with a similar style.
• The displayed painting is a crop from: Juan de Juanes, The martyrdom of Saint Stephen, 1562.
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