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Lorenzo Costa (1460 – 1535)

• Was an Italian painter of the Renaissance.
• He was born at Ferrara.
• Costa moved to Bologna by his early twenties, and was probably influenced by the Bolognese School.
• However, many artists worked in both cities, and thus some consider him a product of the School of Ferrara. 
• He was a great friend of Francesco Francia, who was much influenced by him.
• In 1509 he moved to Mantua to become the court painter of Marquis Francesco Gonzaga and Isabella d'Este.
• He died at Mantua in 1535.
• His sons Ippolito and Girolamo were also painters, as was Girolamo's son, Lorenzo the Younger.
• Contemporaries who worked with or under him include Cosimo Tura, Dosso Dossi, Ludovico Mazzolino, Lorenzo Leonbruno, and Niccolò Pisano. • The displayed painting is a crop from: Lorenzo Costa, Saint Sebastian, 1480-85.
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