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Georg Lemberger, ca. (1490–ca. 1540)

• Was a  was a German painter and woodcut artist.
• He was apprenticed to Hans Wertinger.
• After that, he travelled to Regensburg, where he studied with Albrecht Altdorfer
• In 1522, he appears in Leipzig, where he created the "Epitaph for Valentin Schmidburg".
• Valentin Schmidburg was a medical doctor who had also served as a city counselor and syndic.
• A year later, he was made a citizen of Leipzig.
• The next record of him is in 1530, when he was served legal process on charges of abusing his wife.
• Two years later, he was banished by George, Duke of Saxony for being a Lutheran. 
• He then went to Magdeburg, where he created 125 woodcuts for the "Low German Bible" of Johannes Bugenhagen; printed by Melchior Lotter. 
• The last confirmed record of him comes from 1537, when he was a registered participant at the Easter Vigil in Leipzig.