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Bernardo Germán de Llórente (1685 – 1757)

• Was was a Spanish painter of the late-Baroque period.
• Bernardo Germán de Llórente was born and died in Seville.
• He likely first studied with his father and was then a pupil of Cristóbal López.
• He learned from his master to imitate the palette of Murillo
• Father Isidoro de Sevilla, a capuchin missionary, commissioned from him a Virgin in shepherd dress. 
• This painting brought him fame and many similar requests. 
• He so frequently painted the Virgin Mary as a shepherdess that he was called the “painter of shepherdesses. 
• When the Spanish court was residing in Sevilla c. 1730, he was asked by Queen Isabel Farnese to paint a portrait of her son Don Philip.
• The Queen was so happy with the portrait that she gave him several gifts, including François Boucher's set of prints of the Battle of Alexandria. 
• Llórente was called to Madrid by Philip V, who desired to make him court painter.
• He declined the honor, preferring an independent life.
• In 1735, he was inducted into the Academia Real de Bellas Artes de San Fernando.
• Llórente was known for his trompe-l'œil still lifes.