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Nicolas-Bernand Lepicie (1735-1784)

• Was an 18th-century French painter.
• He was the son of two well-known engravers at the time, François-Bernard Lépicié and Renée-Élisabeth Marlié.
• Nicolas-Bernard studied with reputed artists of the century including Carle Vanloo.
• In 1769 he was accepted to the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture in Paris.
• Three years later, in 1772, he became an assistant professor and, in 1777, a professor.
• Important names such as Carle Vernet, Jean-Frederic Schall, Jean-Antoine-Théodore Giroust, Jean-Joseph Taillasson, Henri-Pierre Danloux, Jean-Baptiste Regnault and Nicolas-Antoine Taunay perfected their talent under his guidance.
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