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Palma il Vecchio (1480 - 1528)

• Born Jacopo Palma and also known as Jacopo Negretti.
• Was a Venetian painter of the Italian High Renaissance.
• He is called Palma Vecchio in English ("Palma the Elder", in Italian Palma il Vecchio) to distinguish him from Palma il Giovane, his great-nephew, who was also a painter.
• He painted the new pastoral mythologies and half-length portraits.
• He also painted traditional vertical altarpieces for churches inside Venice and around the Venetian territories on the mainland.
• It has recently been realized that Titian completed a sacra conversazione by Palma, probably after his death; he had probably done the same for Giorgione after his death.
• He overpainted two of the figures, and made changes to the background.
• It is now in the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice.
• The displayed painting is a crop from: Palma il Vecchio, Bathing Nymphs, c. 1525-28.
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