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Paul Prieur (1620 circa – 1682)

• Was a French painter of miniatures and enameller.
• He was trained in Paris and in Geneva as a goldsmith and enameller.
• Between 1659 and 1681 he lived in Denmark, working for the Royal Court.
• Prieur travelled to London in 1682 and 1683. 
• Also he was practicing at the Spanish court.
• He was the first to produce portrait miniatures in enamel.
• Here he has applied the colours in small dots, a technique known as 'stippling'.
• Painted enamels were made by firing finely milled glass which had been coloured with metal oxides onto a metal base, usually gold or copper.
• The colours had to be applied and fired in several stages, according to the firing temperature required by each colour.
• Incredible precision was needed for a successful enamel portrait, since each firing carried risks of cracks and bubbles that might ruin the entire effort.
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