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Jean-François Pierre Peyron (1744–1814)

• Was a French Painter.
• Peyron was born in Aix-en-Provence, where he studied art under Claude Arnulphy.
• He was later a pupil of Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée.
• He won the prestigious Prix de Rome in 1773, ahead of David who was also a candidate.
• He spent the years between 1775 and 1782 in Rome, with the Academy of France in Rome. 
• On his return to Paris, Peyron found that the career of David had taken its rise and had completely eclipsed his own, relegating it to a minor role in the history of art – which became evident in the exhibitions at the Salon of Paris between 1785 and 1787.
• David did, however, pay homage to Peyron at the time of his funeral, stating: "He had opened my eyes".
• Peyron died in Paris, aged 69.