Peter Paul Rubens Flemish, Siegen (1577-1640) Antwerp

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67.The Triumph of Henry IV, ca. (1630)MET-NY
68.The Triumphal Entry of Henri IV into Paris (1628)Wallace Collection, London
69.Peter Paul Rubens and Pieter Snayers - Henry IV. at the Battle of Argues, c. (1630-31)The Pinakotheken - Munich
70.A Roman Triumph (about 1630)The National Gallery - London
71.Decius Mus Addressing the Legions, probably (1616)NGA-DC
72.The Meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek, c. (1626)NGA-DC
73.Peter Paul Rubens and Erasmus Quellinus the Younger -Ceasar`s Triumph.Šternberský palác-Praha
74.Peter Paul Rubens and Erasmus Quellinus the Younger - Triumph of Caesar – Musicians and Standard Bearers (1608)Šternberský palác-Praha
75.The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis (1636)Art Institute of Chicago
76.Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel the Elder - The Feast of Acheloüs, ca. (1615)MET-NY
77.The Feast of Venus (1636-37)Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
78.Peter Paul Rubens after Titian - The Worship of Venus, c. (1635)Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
79.The Miracles of St. Francis Xavier (1617-18)Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
80.Miracle od St Ignatius of Loyola, .c (1617)Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
81.St. Francis V. Paula Heals Plague SufferersStaatliche Museum in Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
82.Assumption of Virgin (1620)Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
83.The Virgin as the Woman of the Apocalypse, c. (1623-24)GETTY-LA
84.The Woman of the Apocalypse, c. (1623-25)The Pinakotheken - Munich
85.Thrond Mary with the Child and Saints, c. (1627-28) Staatliche Museum in Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
86.Follower of Peter Paul Rubens - The Virgin and Child adored by SaintsDorotheum-Vienna
87.The Virgin adored by Angels (Sketch for the Altarpiece in Santa Maria in Vallicella), (1608)Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
88.Visitation of Virgin Mary (1632-34)Šternberský palác-Praha
89.The Adoration of the Magi, c. (1624)Wallace Collection, London
90.The Annunciation (1610-1612)Obrazárna Pražského hradu
91. Assembly of the Gods on Mount Olympus (1602)Obrazárna Pražského hradu
92.The Exchange of Princesses at the Spanish Border (9.November, 1615), (1622)The Pinakotheken - Munich
93.Dance with mythological figures (1630-5)El Prado
94Meeting of King Ferdinand of Hungary and the Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand of Spain at Nördlingen (1635)GETTY-LA
95.The Rape of the Sabine Women (probably 1635-40)The National Gallery - London
96.The rape of Europa (1628-9)El Prado
97.The Sacrifice of the Old Covenant, c. (1626)Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
98.Franciscan Allegory in Honor of the Immaculate Conception (1631-32)Philadelphia Museum of Art
99.Sketch for a Portrait of a Family (1632-33)Philadelphia Museum of Art
100.Fortuna, c. (1636-38)Staatliche Museum in Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
101.The Emblem of Christ Appearing to Constantine (1622)Philadelphia Museum of Art
102.The Miraculous Draught of Fishes (1618-19)The National Gallery - London
103.The Israelites Gathering Manna in the Desert (1626-27)LACMA-LA
104.The Holy Family with St. Elizabeth and John the Baptist (1614-15)Wallace Collection, London
105.The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth, Saint Jon, and Dove, ca. (1608-9)MET-NY
106.The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and John the Baptist, c. (1615) Art Institute of Chicago
107.The Holy Family with Saints Francis and Anne and the Infant Saint John the Baptist
(early or mid-1630s)
108.The Fall of Phaeton,c. (1604-05, probably reworked c. 1606-08)NGA-DC
109.Hero and Leander, c. (1605)Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister,Dresden

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