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Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770)

• Was an Italian painter from the Republic of Venice.
• Giovan Battista Tiepolo, together with Giambattista Pittoni, Canaletto, Giovan Battista Piazzetta, Giuseppe Maria Crespi, and Francesco Guardi are considered the traditional Old Masters of that period.
• In 1710 he became a pupil of Gregorio Lazzarini.
• In 1722 he was one of twelve artists commissioned to contribute a painting on canvas of one of the apostles as part of a decorative scheme for the nave of San Stae in Venice.
• Tiepolo and his wife had nine children, of whom four daughters and three sons survived to adulthood.
• Two of his sons, Giovanni Domenico and Lorenzo, painted with him as his assistants and later achieved some independent recognition, in particular Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo.
• In some celebrated frescoes at the Palazzo Labia, he depicted two scenes from the life of Cleopatra.
• In 1761, King Charles III of Spain commissioned Tiepolo to create a ceiling fresco to decorate the throne room of the Royal Palace of Madrid.
• Tiepolo died in Madrid on 27 March 1770.
• He is buried in Madonna dell'Orto in Venice
• The displayed painting is a crop from Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, The Death of the Consul L. J. Brutus, 1728-30.
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