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Antonio Vivarini da Murano (1415-1420 – died 1476-84)

• Was an Italian painter of the early Renaissance-late Gothic period.
• He is probably the earliest of a family of painters, which was descended from a family of glassworkers active in Murano.
• The painting dynasty included his younger brother Bartolomeo and Antonio's son Alvise Vivarini.
• He initially trained with Andrea da Murano, and his works show the influence of Gentile da Fabriano.
• The earliest known date of a picture of his, an altar-piece in the Accademia is 1440; the latest, in the Vatican Museums, 1464.
• He collaborated with his brother in law, Giovanni d'Alemagna (also known as "Joannes de Alemania").
• He was probably influenced by Mantegna, and worked with him in the Ovetari Chapel in 1450–51.
• It is difficult to assign authorship for works from the Vivarini studio.
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