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Juan Correa de Vivar (c.1510 - 16 April 1566)

• Was was a Spanish painter.
• Correa was born in Mascaraque.
• Records show he grew up wealthy.
• When Juan was 17 or 18 years old he joined the studio of Juan de Borgoña.
• He met other Spanish artists at the time, including Pedro de Cisneros, whom he befriended.
• Juan's brother Eufrasia and Eufrasia's son Rodrigo also grew up to be artists. 
• Juan took frequent trips but always stayed in the Toledo area.
• Juan was married and a religious man.
• Records show Juan died on 16 April 1566 in San Miguel.
• Juan's body was taken back to Mascaraque, where he was buried in the same plot where his parents were laid to rest.