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Simone Cantarini (1612–1648)

• Known as il Pesarese or Simone da Pesaro.
• Was was an Italian painter, of Baroque style.
• He was born in Pesaro in April 1612.
• His training was with the master Giovan Giacomo Pandolfi.
• He stayed in Venice at the workshop of the master Claudio Ridolfi and the four-year stay (1635-1639) in Bologna, at the workshop of Guido Reni.

• Around 1641 Cantarini stayed in Rome where he devoted himself mainly to ancient sculpture and the study of the works of Raphael
• Immediately after Reni's death (1642), Cantarini returned to Bologna.
• He died in Verona in 1648.
• Lorenzo Pasinelli, Giulio Cesare Milani, Giovanni Peruzzini, Girolamo Rossi, Giovanni Maria Luffoli, Giovanni Venanzi and Flaminio Torre were some of his pupils.