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Paintings  before 1800

The displayed painting is a crop from: St Luke Painting the Virgin, 1532 by Maerten van Heemskerck.

Search Painter Names Here.

Maas, Dirk  Dutch, Haarlem (1659-1717) Haarlem
Macchietti, Girolamo  Italian, Florence (?), ca. (1535–1592) Florence
Machek, Antonín  Czech, Podlažice (1775–1844) Prague
Machuca, Pedro  Spanish, Toledo (1490 - 1550) Granada
Maelwael, Johan or Jean Malouel  Dutch, Nijmegen (c. 1365 - 1415) France
Maes, Nicolaes  Dutch, Dordrecht (1634-1693) Amsterdam
Maestro Daddesco  Italian, Florence, active ca. (1320–40)
Maestro Francesco  Italian (active ca. 1350-99)
Maffei, Francesco  Italian, Vicenza (1605–1660) Padua
Magini, Carlo  Italian, Fano (1720–1806) Fano
Magnasco, Alessandro  Italian, Genoa (1667 – 1749) Genoa
Mahu, Cornelis  Flemish (1613 – 1689)
Mainardi, Sebastiano  Italian, San Gimignano (1450-55-1513) Florence
Maineri, Giovanni Francesco Italian, c. (1460-70 - 1526)
Maino, Juan Bautista Spanish, Pastrana (1581-1649) Madrid
Maler, Hans  German, Ulm, born ca. (1480, died ca. 1526-29) Schwaz
Malinconico, Nicola  Italian, Neapol (1663–1721) Neapol
Mallet , Jean-Baptiste  French, Grasse, France (1759–1835) Paris
Man, Cornelis de  Dutch, Delft (1621-1706) Delft
Mancadan, Jacobus Sibrandi  Dutch, Minnertsga (c. 1602–1680) Tjerkgaast 
Mander, Karel Van  Flemish, Meulebeke, Belgium (1548-1606) Amsterdam
Mander III, Karel van  Dutch, Delft (ca. 1609–1670) København
Mandyn, Jan  Dutch, born Haarlem (1500-died, c. 1560) Antwerp
Manfredi, Bartolomeo talian, Ostiano (1582-1622) Rome
Mantegna, Andrea  Italian , Isola di Carturo (1430/31-1506) Mantua
Mányoki, Ádám  Hungarian, Szokolya (1673 - 1757) Dresden
Manzuoli, Tommaso D`Antonio  Italian, Florence (1531-1571)
Maratta, Carlo  Italian, Camerano (1625 - 1713) Rome
Marcola, Marco  Italian, Verona ca. (1740–1793) Verona
Marconi, Rocco  Italian, Venice (active 1504-1529) 
Marieschi, Michele  Italian, Venice (1710–1743) Venice
Marinari, Onorio  Italian, Florence (1627–1715) Florence 
Marini, Antonio  Italian (1668-1725)
Marlow, William  British, Southwark, London (1740-41 - 1813) Twickenham
Marmion, Simon  French, Amiens, ca. (1425–1489) Valenciennes
Maron, Anton von  Austrian, Vienna (1733–1808) Rome
Marrel, Jacob  German, Frankenthal (1613-14 - 1681) Frankfurt am Main
Mars, Melchior de la  Flemish (c. 1585 – 1650)
Marshall, Benjamin  English, Seagrave, Leicestershire (1768 - 1835)
Martin, David  Scottish (1737-1797) 
Martin the Younger, Pierre-Denis  French, Paris (1663-1742) Paris
Martínez del Mazo, Juan Bautista  Spanish (1612 – 1667) Madrid
Martini, Simone  Italian, Siena, (1284–1344) Avignon
Martorell, Bernat  Catalan (active Girona and Barcelona), documented (1427-died 1452)
Marziale, Marco  Venetian, Venice (1492-93 - 1507) Venice
Masaccio  Italian, San Giovanni Valdarno (1401-1428) Rome
Mase, Pieter van  Dutch, Rotterdam (c. 1650-after 1703)
Massari, Lucio  Italian, Bologna (1569-1633) Bologna
Massys, Cornelis  Netherlandish, Antwerp (1510/11–1556/57) Antwerp
Massys, Jan  Flemish, Antwerp (c. 1509-c. 1575)
Massys, Quentin  Flemish, Leuven (1465-66 – 1530) Antwerp
Massys, Quentin  Flemish, Leuven (1465-66 – 1530) Antwerp
Massys the Younger, Quentin  Flemish, Antwerp (c. 1543 – 1589) Frankfurt
Master ES  German, active ca. (1450–67)
Master Flemish  (Third quarter of the 16th century)
Master Francke  German (c.1380-c.1440)  
Master G.Z.  Italian, Ferrara, active by (1405-died 1441) Ferrara
Master HB with the Griffin’s Head  Germany Saxony (before 1528-after 1550)
Master IW, (Monogramista) Czech (active 1520-1550)
Master John British, active (1544–1545)
Master Kölner  German (c. 1480)
Master LC  Netherlandish, active (second quarter 16th century)
Master LCz (Master of the Strache Altar)  German, active, c. (1480 - 1510)
Master of 1416  Italian, Florentine (early 15th century)
Master of 1456  Active in Cologne (during the 1450s)
Master of 1473  Active in Bruges
Master of 1486-1487   Silesian (active in Wroclaw, ca. 1485-1495)
Master of 1499  Flemmish (active 1470-1499)
Master of 1518  Flemish, Antwerp (active early 16th century)
Master of 1540s  South Netherlandish (active 1541 - 1551)
Master of Alkmaar  Dutch, active (1490-1510)
Master of Ávila  Spanish (active 1460-1500)
Master of Burgo de Osma Spanish, Valencia (c. 1401-1444)
Master of Camerino  Italian active (1270-1300)
Master of Città di Castello  Italian, Siena (active about 1290-1320)
Master of Eggenburg  (active in the last quarter of the 15th century)
Master of Engerda  German, active ca. (1510–20)
Master of Frankfurt Netherlandish, c. (1460 - active 1520s)
Master of Heiligenkreuz  Austrian, active early (15th century)
Master of Herzogenburg  Austrian (probably Tirol), active (late 1400s)
Master of Hoogstraeten  Flemish, Antwerp (c. 1475 – c. 1530) 
Master of Lecceto  Italian, Sienese (third quarter 15th century)
Master of Marradi  Italian, active Florence (1480 to 1510)
Master of Paul and Barnabas  South Netherlandish (active 1525 - 1549)
Master of Saint Ildefonso  Spanish, active (1450-1500)
Master of St. Cecilia  Italian, Florence (active c. 1290-1330)
Master of the Augsburg Painters` Portraits  (active 1502-1513)
Master of the Bargello Tondo  Italian, Florentine (1400 – 1450)
Master of the Magdalen Legend  Flemish (active c. 1483 - c. 1527) Brussels
Master of Messkirch (Meßkirch)  German (active c. 1515-1550) Upper Rhine
Master of Pratovecchio  Italian (active between about 1435 and 1455)
Master of Rhenen  Dutch, active, c. (1490 - c. 1525)
Master of Saint Augustine South Netherlandish, ca. (1490)
Master of Saint Francis  Italian, active (between 1250–1280)
Master of Saint-Germain-des-Prés  German, Cologne, active (around 1500)
Master of Saint Giles  Franco-Flemish, active c. (1500)
Master of Saint Veronica  Germany, born Cologne (active c. 1395 – 1425)
Master of San Lucchese  Italian, c. (1335-1380)
Master of Serumido  Italian, act. (1500-1525) 
Master of St. Agidius  Active, c. (1500) in Paris
Master of St. Christophorus with the devil  German (15th-16th Century)
Master of the Aachener Altar  active in Cologne (1480-1520)
Master of the Abbey of Dielegem  Flemish active (c.1500-1525)
Master of the Acts of Mercy  Austrian, Salzburg, ca. (1465)
Master of the Antwerp Adoration  Dutch (birth 15th century, active 1500-1520)
Master of the Augsburg Ecce Homo  (active in Antwerp in the mid-16th century)
Master of the Augsburg Painters` Portraits  (active 1502-1513)
Master of the Baroncelli Portraits  Netherlandish, Bruges (fl. 1480–1490)
Master of the Bartholomew Altar  German, active c. (1470-1510)
Master of the Beighem Altarpiece  Netherlandish), active (1520 - 1540)
Master of the Benediktbeurer Crucifixion  German (active 1440-1460)
Master of the Berswordt Altar  German, Westphalian, active ca. (1400–35)
Master of the Castello Nativity  Italian, Florentine, active ca. (1445–75)
Master of the Catholic Kings  Spanish, active c. (1485-1500)
Master of the Corsi Crucifix  Italian, Florence (1300-1325 c.)
Master of the Dinteville Allegory  Netherlandish or French, act. mid-16th century
Master of the Döbeln Altarpiece  German (active 1500-1520)
Master of the Embroidered Foliage  Netherlandish (active 1480 – 1510)
Masters of the Female Half-Lengths  Flemish (sixteenth century)
Master of the Fiesole Epiphany  Italian, Florence, active c. (1450-1500)
Master of the Figdor Deposition  Netherlandish, active, c. (1490-1510)
Master of the Hartford Annunciation  French, School of Amiens (15th century)
Master of the Hartford Still Life  Italian (active in Rome 1590s to the 1610s)
Master of the Holy Blood  Netherlandish, active in Bruges (1500-1520)
Master of the Holy Kinship the Younger  German, active c. (1490-1515)
Master of the Housebook and Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet  Active in Germany (last quarter of the 15th century)
Master of the Lazzaroni Madonna  Italian, active in Florence, c. (1375-1400)
Master of the Legend of Saint Ursula  Netherlandish, active c. (1470 - c. 1500)
Master of the Life of the Virgin  German (active ca. 1463 - ca. 1490)
Master of the Lille Adoration  Netherlandish, active about (1520-40)
Master of the Lyversberg-Passion  German, active c. (1460-1490)
Master of the Magdalen  Italian, Florence, active (1265–95)
Master of the Mansi Magdalene  Netherlandish, active c. (1510 - c. 1530)
Master of the Martyrdom of St. John  South Netherlandish
Master of the Mechelen Guild of Saint George  Flemish, active (1490-1510)
Master of the Osservanza  Italian, active (late 1420s - early 1440s)
Master of the Palazzo Venezia Madonna  Italian, Sienese (active 1340 - About 1360) 
Master of the Portraits of Princes  South Netherlandish, active ca. (1470–92)
Master of the Prado "Adoration of the Magi"  Netherlandish, active, c. (1475 – 1500)
Master of the Processions French, active (mid-17th century)  
Master of the Prodigal Son  Flemish, active in Antwerp circa (1530 - 1560)
Master of the Retablo of the Reyes Catolicos  Spanish (active 15th century)
Master of the Saint Catherine Legend  Netherlandish, active ca. (1470–1500)
Master of the Saints Cosmas and Damian Madonna  Italian, active (c.1260-1285)
Master of the Saint Godelieve Legend  Netherlandish (active fourth quarter 15th century)
Master of the Saint Ursula Legend  Holland, active circa (1485-1515)
Master of the Schlägl Altarpiece  German (15th century)
Master of The Scrovegni Chapel Presbytery  Italian, Padua (first quarter of the 14th century)
Master of the Sherman Predella  Italian (Florentine), second quarter of the (15th century)
Master of the Spes Nostra  Dutch (15th century)
Master of the St Elizabeth Panels  Dutch, active c. (1490-95)
Master of the St. Lucy Legend  Holland, active (circa 1475-circa 1510)
Master of the Starck Triptych  German, active c. (1480 - c. 1495)
Master of the Story of Griselda  Italian, active (1490-1500)
Master of the Story of Joseph  Netherlandish (active c. 1470–1500)
Master of The Straus Madonna  Italian, c. (1350–1420)
Master of the Tiburtine Sibyl  Netherlandish, active about (1470-90)
Master of the Turin Adoration  Netherlandish, active c. (1490 - c. 1510)
Master of the View of Sainte Gudule  Netherlandish, active ca. (1485)
Master of the Virgo inter Virgines  North Netherlandish, c. (1475-1510)
Master of the Von Groote Adoration  Flemish (active 1500-1520) Antwerp
Master of Vyšší Brod (Vysebrodskeho Oltare)  Bohemian (active around 1350)
Master WB identified Wolfgang Beurer  German (late 15th century) Mainz
Master with the Parrot  Flemish, active about (1520s-1540s)
Master, Dreux Budé, possibly André d'Ypres  French, active by (1425-1426 - died 1450)
Masucci, Agostino  Italian, Rome (1692–1768) Rome 
Mateu, Jaume  Spanish, Valencia, documented (1382 - 1452)
Matham, Jacob  Netherlandish, Haarlem (1571–1631) Haarlem
Mattia, Alessandro  Italian (1631–died circa 1681)
Maulbertsch, Franz Anton  Austrian (1724-1796) Vienna
Mayer, Constance Marie Françoise  French, Paris (1775-1821) Paris
Mayr, Johann Ulrich  Google, Augsburg (1629–1704) Augsburg
Mazzanti, Lodovico  Italian, Orvieto, c. (1679 - 1775)
Mazzola, Filippo  Italian, Parma (1460 - 1505) Parma
Mazzolino, Ludovico  Italian, Ferrara ca. (1480) - after (1528) Ferrara
Mazzucchelli, Pier Francesco (called Morazzone)  Italian (1573–1626) Piacenza
Meckenem, Israhel van  German, Meckenem (ca. 1440/45–1503) Bocholt
Meer the Younger, Jan van der  Dutch, Haarlem (1656–1705) Haarlem
Mei, Bernardino  Italian, Siena (about 1612 - 1676) Rome
Meijer, Hendrick de  Dutch (c.1622-after 1689)
Meiren, Jan Baptist van der  Flemish, Antwerp (1664 – c. after 1708)
Meister, Haarlemer  Dutch (15th century) 
Meléndez, Luis Egidio  Spanish, Naples (1716-1780) Madrid
Meléndez, Miguel Jacinto  Spanish, Oviedo (1679-1734) Madrid
Mellin, Charles  French, Nancy, ca. (1597-1649) Rome
Melone, Altobello  Italian, Cremona, c. (1490-1491 – c. 1543) Cremona
Melzi, Giovanni Francesco Italian, Milan (1491/93–ca. 1570) Vaprio d'Adda
Membrini, Michelangelo di Pietro  Italian, (active 1490-1520)
Memling, Hans  Netherlandish, Seligenstadt, active by (1465-died 1494) Bruges
Memling, Hans  Netherlandish, Seligenstadt, active by (1465-died 1494) Bruges
Memmi, Lippo  Italian, active by (1317-died 1356)
Mengs, Anton Raphael  German Bohemian, Usti nad Labem (1728-1779) Rome
Mengs, Ismael  German, Kopenhagen (1688-1764) Dresden, Germany
Mera, Pietro  South North Netherlandish (1570–documented 1639)
Merian, Maria Sibylla  German, active Holland (1647–1717)
Merli, Antonio  Italian (Active in the first third of 17th century) 
Mertens the Younger, Jan  South Netherlandish, Antwerp (ca.1470-died c. 1527)
Metsu, Gabriel  Dutch, Leiden (1629-1667) Amsterdam
Meunincxhove, Jan Baptist van  Flemish (c. 1620/25 – 1703/04) 
Meynier, Charles  French, Paris (1768-1832) Paris
Meytens the Younger, Martin  Swedish (1695–1770)
Michel, Georges  French, Paris (1763–1843) Paris  
Michelangelo, Buonarroti  Italian, Caprese (1475-1564) Rome
Michelin, Jean  French, ca. (1616-1670)
Michelino, Domenico Di  Italian, Florence (1417 - 1491)
Michieli, Andrea  Italian, Vicenza (c. 1542 – 1617) 
Micker, Jan Christiaensz  Dutch, Amsterdam (1598–1664) Amsterdam
Miel, Jan  Flemish, Beveren (1599–1664) Turin
Mielich, Hans  German, Munich (1516-1573) Munich
Mierevelt, Michiel Jansz van  Dutch, Delft (1567–1641) Delft
Mieris, Jan van  Dutch (1660 - 1690)
Mieris the Elder, Frans van  Dutch, Leiden (1635-1681) Leiden
Mieris the Younger, Frans van  Dutch, Leiden (1689 - 1763) Leiden
Mieris, Willem van  Dutch, Leiden (1662–1747) Leiden
Mignard, Nicolas  French, Troyes (1606–1668) Paris
Mignard, Pierre  French, Troyes (1612-1695) Paris
Mignon, Abraham  Dutch, Frankfurt (1640 – 1679) Utrecht
Mij, Hieronymus van der  Dutch, Leiden (1687–1761)
Mijn, Herman van der Dutch, Amsterdam (1684-1741) London
Mijtens, Daniël  Dutch, Delft (ca. 1590–1647/48) The Hague
Mildorfer, Josef Ignaz  Austrian, Innsbruck (13 Oct 1719–1775) Vienna
Milée, Jean-François or Millet (I)  Flemish-French, Antwerp (1642-1679) Paris
Minden, Bertram von  German, Minden (ca. 1340–1414/5) Hamburg
Minderhout, Hendrik van  Dutch, Rotterdam (1632 – 1696) Antwerpen
Mirou, Anton  Flemish, Antwerp, about (1578-about 1661) Frankenthal, Germany
Moeyaert, Nicolaes Cornelisz  Dutch (1592-1655)
Moillon, Isaac  French, Paris (1614-1673) Paris 
Moillon, Louise  French, Paris (1610–1696) Paris
Mol, Pieter van  Flemish, Antwerp (1599 - 1650) Paris
Mola, Pier Francesco  Italian, Coldrerio (1612–1666) Rome
Molenaer, Jan Miense  Dutch, Haarlem (1610-1668) Haarlem
Molenaer, Claes Dutch, Haarlem (1630–1676) Haarlem
Molenaer, Cornelis  Flemish, Antwerp (c. 1540 - 1589) Antwerp
Molijn, Pieter de  Dutch (1595–1661)
Molinari, Antonio  Italian, Venice (1655-1704) Venice 
Mommers, Hendrick  Dutch, Haarlem (1623-1693) Amsterdam
Momper, Jan de  Flemish, Antwerp (ca. 1614-ca. 1688) Rome
Momper the Younger, Joos de  Flemish, Antwerp (1564-1635) Antwerp
Monaco, Lorenzo  Italian, Florence (?). ca. (1370–1425) Florence
Monaldi, Paolo  Italian, Rome (1710-1779)
Monamy, Peter  British (1681–1749)
Monnoyer, Jean-Baptiste  French, Lille (1636–1699) London
Monogramist C.Z.  (17th century, 1660–1670) 
Monogrammist HB  Flemish (c. 1535 - after 1605)
Monogrammist IVDS  Flemish (c.1600 – 1650) 
Monogrammist MHVH  Belgian (active in 1582) Antwerp
Monogrammist PG  Germany, active c. (1525–50)
Montagna, Bartolomeo  Italian, Vicentine, (before 1459-1523)
Montelatici, Francesco  Italian, Florence (1607 - 1661) Innsbruck
Montemezzano, Francesco  Italian, Verona (1540 - after 1602) Venice
Moor, Karel de  Dutch, Leiden (1655–1738) Warmond 
Morales, Luis de  Spanish, Badajoz ca. (1509-1586) Alcantra
Morandini, Francesco  Italian, Poppi (1544-1597) Florence
Moreelse, Paulus  Dutch, Utrecht (1571 – 1638) Utrecht
Morell, Jacob  Flemish (17th century) -
Morgenstern, Johann Friedrich  German (1777 - 1844)
Morgenstern, Johann Ludwig Ernst  German, Rudolstadt (1738–1819) Frankfurt
Moritz, Louis  Dutch,The Hague (1773-1850) Amsterdam
Morland, George  British, London (1763–1804) London
Morone, Francesco  Italian, Verona (1471–1529) Verona
Moroni, Giovanni Battista  Italian, Albino (c. 1520-24 – 1579-80) Bergamo
Mortimer, John Hamilton  British, Eastbourne (1740–1779) London
Mosnier, Jean Laurent  French, Paris (1743-44 - 1808) St. Petersburg
Mostaert, Jan Jansz  Netherlandish, c. (1474–died 1555-56)
Mostaert the Elder, Gillis  Flemish, Hulst (1528-1598) Antwerp
Moucheron, Frederik de  Dutch, Emde, Germany (1633 – 1686) Amsterdam
Moucheron, Isaac de  Dutch, Amsterdam (1667–1744) Amsterdam
Mulier the Elder, Pieter  Dutch, Haarlem (1615–1670) Haarlem
Müller, Anton  Danish (before 1752–after 1757)
Muller, Jan  Netherlandish, Amsterdam (1571–1628) Amsterdam
Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban  Spanish, Sevilla (1618-1682) Sevilla
Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban  Spanish, Sevilla (1618-1682) Sevilla
Musscher, Michiel van  Dutch, Rotterdam (1645 - 1705) Amsterdam
Muziano, Girolamo  Italian, Acquafredda, Brescia (1528–1592) Rome
Muzzi, João Francisco  Italian-Brazilian (18th century)
Myerhop, Frans van Cuyck de  Flemish, Brugge (ca. 1640–1689) Ghent

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