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Alexandre François Desportes (1661–1743)

• Was a French painter and decorative designer.
• He specialised in animals.
• He studied in Paris, in the studio of the Flemish painter Nicasius Bernaerts, a pupil of Frans Snyders.
• During a brief sojourn in Poland, 1695–96, he painted portraits of John III Sobieski and Polish aristocrats.
• After the king's death Desportes returned to Paris, convinced that he should specialise in animals and flowers.
• He was received by the Académie de peinture et de sculpture in 1699, with the Self-Portrait in Hunting Dress now in the Musée du Louvre.
• The displayed painting is a crop from: Alexandre François Desportes, Still Life with Dressed Game, Meat, and Fruit, 1734.
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