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Alonzo Cano (1601 – 1667)

• Was a Spanish painter, architect and sculptor.
• Cano was born in Granada.
• He learned painting in the academy of Juan del Castillo, and from Francisco Pacheco the teacher of Velázquez.
• He was made first royal architect, painter to Philip IV, and instructor to the prince, Balthasar Charles, Prince of Asturias.
• He was notorious for his ungovernable temper.
• According to a story, he found his house robbed after coming home one evening, his wife murdered, and his Italian servant fled. • Notwithstanding the presumption against the fugitive, the magistrates condemned Cano, because he was of a jealous temper.
• Upon this he fled to Valencia, but afterwards returned to Madrid, where he was put to the torture, which he endured without incriminating himself, and the king received him into favour.
• After the death of his wife he took Holy Orders as a protection from further prosecution, but still continued his professional pursuits.
• He died in 1667.
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